The poster above is advertising the film " The killer inside of me" directed by Micheal Winterbottom, the film tells the true story of how a disturbed police man in America uses his power to get away with several killings. It was released in cinemas on the 8th of June 2010. The poster above is effective in many ways and has be chosen to attract people to this sort of genre. The film title in big black bold lettering reminds me of the Kill Bill poster, which is a film involving alot of action and gore, similar to this film. The plain writing also helps to show how the film is set nearly ten years ago as there are no bright colours and the writing is rather old fashioned. The second object that stands out is the actor " Jessica Alba"s face which is the dominant image in this poster. On other film posters which i have began to anaylse i have found that the main character is often centered on the poster, with this poster its diffrent and that is all for a reason. One of the reasons is she is an important part in the film but not the dominant character, which needs to be made clear in the poster. Referring back to Kill Bill again where the poster has "Uma Thurman" centered as she is the main character and she is what the film has its main base around, however having Jessica Alba not centered shows how she is dominanted in this film and infact plays an as important part but just needs to be portrayed in that light.
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